
My Baby - In the Club - Tour Europeo

My Baby - In the Club - Tour Europeo

sabato 10 novembre 2018

Locandina My Baby - In the Club - Tour Europeo
Info e costi
sabato 10 novembre 2018
h: 22:00
15,00 €

Il Bloom è da sempre la casa dei grandi nomi internazionali, capitanati dalla talentuosa Cato Van Dijck è da suo fratello Joost, dopo aver partecipato a festival del calibro dello Sziget e aver calcato i palchi dei più importanti club europei, tra cui, il Melkweg Amsterdam di Amsterdam e il Futurum Music Bar di Praga,la formazione leader del rock psichedelico mondiale arriverà a Mezzago per presentare le canzoni del suo Album IV.

Hitchhiking fate to the family star, My Baby ran away to join the
circus. They made their way through Europe in a procession of
caravans, as part of a vaudeville troupe they’d met in Spain. Wheeling
into town after town, performing every night and practising in the
day, My Baby learnt the art of performance. As sword-swallowing and
knife throwing were not skills at which they excelled, they found in
the mixing of their voices a magic that brought the rowdy audience of
drunks and boisterous children under their spell.

Edison Pop 2016 Award for 'Shamanaid'

Loves Voodoo! nominated for Edison Jazzism Award 2014. 


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